Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Night Bus Blues

I don´t know if I can really call this the blues but I sure do have to get on a night bus in an hour. I am taking advantage of internet in libertad. I am taking a night bus to quito for my cos conference. In peace corps language that translates to close of service conference. Its two days of info and preparation for finishing one´s service and taking the next step--- returning home.
I was just scanning my first couple of entries written almost exactly two years ago and I cannot believe that my peace corps experience is nearly finished. At the cos conference it will be the last time my omnibus (omnibus 98!!!) will come together before we all go our separate ways. We started this crazy adventure together and sadly some of us have gone home already for different reasons but for the rest of us-- the remaining group it... it will be really great to see eachother and sad to say good-bye. But we made it. We did it. Anyway-- I guess that is all I have to say right now. I better catch my taxi to the bus station and get ready for the long, bumpy ride to quito.
Buenas Noches from Ecuador

1 comment:

Deb Cook said...

I know it must be difficult to leave all the people that have come to mean so much to you and such a beautiful country.....


I am SO glad you are coming home!