Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First week in Palmar

I have now been in site for over a week. So many new things. Each day I am amazed by all the small things that people do that make me feel really welcome and help to not feel so alone. There are two small tiendas by my house---one has lights and more things to sell while the other is shall we say...not as visually pleasing. So i like to go to the not so nice store and the woman is so kind and always gives me some "yappa" which in Ecuador is "a little something extra". Sometimes a green pepper or some plaintains and she gets this cute little smile each time and slips a small something in the plastic bag. There is also "Papi" and "Mami" who sell bananas at the market: they call me their "niña" and give me toothless kisses everytime I pass by. I started visiting women with the Señora Andrea-- we talk about nutrition, pap smears, AIDS etc. We visit everyone--which is really nice as far as getting to know my new community. I still struggle with missing my fellow volunteers--it was really hard to leave them after surviving our two and a half month training. Hmmm....the beach is beautiful and I love walking outside in the mornings, coffee in hand and finding seashells and watching the red crabs scurry sideways into their holes. Well---my internet time is nearly up.
My address is

Hannah P Cook
Correo General
Salinas, Guayas
South America

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Swearing In= Officially ready to Volunteer.

Swearing In= I am an official volunteer.
What does that mean you might ask? It means that tonight at 9pm I will take my last two tylenal pm and board a rickety night bus and tumble down the highway 12 hours to arrive with way too many bags in El Palmar my new home (for the next two years anyway.)

Right now... I am about to leave the other volunteers in my Omnibus and head out on my own. Well..not on my own---I will make new friends in this my new country. So-- this remains short and somewhat sweet...as i still need to figure out how the heck i am going to fit everything I have into three bags.......